Dietitian & Nutritionist · John Powers Brookline · Motivitional Speaker

John Powers Brookline: Tips to Stay Healthy and Happy For Women.

If you want to stay happy and healthy, Not a difficult thing. Our Daily food habits, lifestyle habit effects on our health how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future. Good health is an important part of a successful life
“A healthy mind in a healthy body”. Good Health is not about our eating habits. It’s a combination of eating as well as physical activities. Especially for women, need to pay more heed to their health. after some age women don’t care about their health. John Powers Brookline suggests some tips for women, which should not avoid them at any cost.

Day Start with a Morning walk.

Early morning start with a walk or brisk walk. Now women also work outside, besides they have to take all family responsibilities. In this, they avoid theirs. In a busy life, early morning walk, brisk walk and running are the most effective. Brisk walk for 30 minutes can help you live a healthier life. It is the effective way to promote your overall health. It works to control over fat, reduce weight, improve circulation and other ailments.
On another side, walk also enhance memory and can grab some time to think about yourself. Walking is highly recommended by physicians and psychiatrists to help uplift mood. It helps to calm your nerves and relaxes your brain. When you walk, you don’t have the pressure of a deadline or meeting a certain expectation.


Eat Healthily.

Every Women Cares to their family eating habits and believes in Eat Healthy and Stay Healthy. When it comes to their self they ignore. Why?
Everyday diet tremendously effects on day to day physical activities. To choose healthy diet is not convoluted. Every woman needs to eat varies fruits and vegetables. A single fruit cannot cover all mutations.
One thing keeps in mind don’t skip a meal especially breakfast. According to Researchers and nutritious. We need to eat every three to four hours.
and please as much as possible avoid packed and fast foods. Cut sugar and salt from your diet.

According to John Powers Brookline, we should take care of how much calories we take. Is it accordingly to our physical activities. It’s easier than it sounds.


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